October 23, 2012

Anamed (action for natural medicine) Seminar and Workshop

In March 2012 four people from the Mount Kenya region attended a one-week seminar of anamed international at Machakos. Keith Lindsey and Jutta Krauss of anamed international, Germany, as well as Major Rebecca Nzuki from Machakos District and Tamima Omondi from South Nyanza trained 30 participants from many parts of Kenya. The programme included information about the medicinal use of artemisia, moringa, neem, aloe, garlic and papaya in treating malaria, HIV/AIDS, skin problems and other ailments.

 In practical sessions, the participants made ointments and teas and laid out a medicinal garden. Many other health related topics were covered and the group visited the local anamed group to share their experiences.
 At the end of the seminar the group was visited by the press. One of the seminar participants gave testimony how she had benefited from the use of natural medicine: She had been bed-ridden with AIDS but was now able to lead a self-help group for HIV-positive people and to take part in national forums on that issue.

MKICDO board members at the anamed seminar in Machakos

On April 19th, the seminar participants from the Mount Kenya region conducted their own workshop at CCM Ruguta Church. 

 Anna Gatea of anamed addresses the workshop participants

 They introduced the idea of using natural medicine and encouraged everybody to grow medicinal plants in their own garden/shamba. When hibiscus and lemongrass tea were prepared on a traditional three-stone fire a discussion on the need to save fuel wood came up. The trainers recommended the use of fuel-efficient stoves and demonstrated a Solar CooKit.

wasteful use of firewood

cooking with the sun is a good alternative

The course participants -  some of them school teachers  -  gave a very positive evaluation of the day´s activities and emphasized the need for more such workshops in the future. They founded the Ruguta Christian Concern Group and resolved to hold regular meetings.

the workshop participants

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